Benjamin O'Brien


Hi. I'm Benjamin,
I'm a software developer, sysadmin, cybersecurity analyst and privacy enthusiast.

This website serves as my personal space on the internet where I share random projects, host infrastructure, and more. For more information, check the Github Page.

I've been programming for around 10 years and know about 8 independent programming languages, the most notable being Python, Javascript, & Lua.

Fun Facts

  • I'm working on my Masters in Cybersecurity.
  • I have a self-hosted music library of 370+ albums.
  • I was the cyber commander for our town's local JROTC.
  • I own 4 Redbox kiosks, yes, the movie renting machines.
  • I (used) to run a yearly Minecraft server, called Geesecraft.


I heavily enjoy system administration, software development, & networking.
On the not so computer related side of things, I like watching:

I also really like rain and storms, for some reason.