Benjamin O'Brien


As said in my main page, I'm Benjamin. I'm a software developer, with interests in the system administration and cybersecurity fields.

  • I have a self-hosted music collection of 350+ albums.
  • My projects folder has around 130 random projects in it.
  • I made it to the commander position for our local JROTC.

Are you a college recruiter? Stop reading this website and email me.

Technical Knowledge

I've accumulated pretty decent experience with the following languages:

  • High Level: Python, NodeJS
  • Low Level: C, C++, Rust, x86 Assembly
  • Web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Scripting: Lua, PowerShell, Bash

In addition, I have experience with the following operating systems:

  • Windows 10/11, Windows Server 2019
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • Arch Linux, Fedora Linux, and almost all Debian based systems

Lastly, some Cybersecurity concepts I'm familiar with:

  • Zero-trust infrastructure
  • Encryption with the GPG/PGP suite (as well as SSH)
  • The use of VPNs (Wireguard and OpenVPN)

If you would like a full list then please feel free to email me.