Hark! O gentle user, lend thine ear, To learn of privacy, without a fear. In this digital realm, where shadows creep, Thy data shall be safe in restful sleep. No logs, no trace, no whisper left behind, No IPs to track, no sleight of mind. No cookies here to trail thy merry way, Nor cross-site spies to lead thee far astray. For services local, storage pure and clean, Nought but thy data in the local scene. No stranger bits amidst thy treasure trove, In sacred storage, only what thou strove. And lo! From yonder edge, thy service springs, Swiftly it comes on angel's wings. No need to tarry at the server's door, For from the edge, it cometh evermore. Thus, in this realm where privacy holds sway, Thou shalt find peace and rest each passing day. No prying eyes shall pierce thy digital veil, For in this world, thy privacy shall prevail.